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Magzter Coupon Codes

Magzter, a leading digital magazine platform, offers a wide range of magazines from various categories. Access your favourite magazines online with ease and convenience. With CashKaro, enjoy exclusive coupon codes and cashback on top of their existing offers, enhancing your reading experience. When you subscribe through CashKaro, we earn a commission from Magzter and pass it on to you as Cashback, which you can easily transfer to your bank.
4.9 of 5 | 1045 Ratings
Read, Grow, SucceedSubscription to 9000+ Magazines and Newspapers+ Flat ₹1200 CashKaro Cashback on your Magzter Subscription

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Magzter Coupon & Offer

Get access to 9000+ Magazines + Flat ₹1200 CashKaro Cashback on 3 year Magzter Gold Combo Subscription

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About Magzter

  • Now read newspapers like Stories and Newspapers on Magzter along with more than 9000 magazines and premium articles

About this Offer

  • Earn Flat ₹1200 CashKaro Cashback on 3 year Magzter Gold Combo Subscription

How to get this offer?

  • Click on the Orange Button and visit Magzter
  • Cashback will be added to your CashKaro account
  • Referral Earnings are not applicable on this offer


  • Download the e-magazine in your smartphone/tablet and read it offline when suitable
  • You can see previous editions of magazines included in this subscription
  • One time payment, No extra/hidden charges for Gold Subscription

Important Information>

  • Cashback on a 3-year Magzter subscription is applicable only for new users

Expires in 10 days

Latest Magzter Subscription Offers, Coupons for December 2024

Subscription OfferDetailsValidity
3 Year Subscription of Magzter Gold ComboGet ₹1200 CashbackDec 31, 2024

Magzter is one of the largest and fastest growing online store for digital magazines, articles, and news. It has collaborations with over 4000 leading publishers like Conde Nast, Femina, India Today, Filmfare, Vogue India, Outlook Business, Entrepreneur and provide 13000 plus magazines for readers to choose from. The online magazines platfrom is available on iOS, Android & Website, where users can browse and read seamlessly.

  • Over 80 million users
  • 40+ categories
  • 60+ languages

Magzter Review: What You Should Buy Subscription From Magzter?

Over 5000 Magazines & Newspapers

To be able to read all your favourite newspapers and magazines at a single place and single subscription fees is no less than a treat. Thanks to its extensive partnership, Magzter can offer all the popular national and international magazines & newspapers within its website and mobile app.

Magzter Gold and Gold Lite Subscription

These are subscription plans offered by Magzter on monthly and yearly basis. Readers get unlimited access to over 5000 magazines available on Magzter for a duration fixed as per the subscription plan. It provides a convenient and seamless experience to the readers and is also a highly cost-effective option.

Upto Four Members Can Share A Single Plan

Magzter Gold subscription plan not only provides unlimited access to thousands of magazines but also allows upto four users to enjoy the benefits of a single subscription plan without any additional cost.

Digital Give Freedom

Since the whole platfrom is digital, you can access the contnet from any device, anywhere in the world

Magzter Founders, Investors & Other Details

Founded in 2011 by Vijay Radhakrishnan and Girish Ramdas with an initial investment of $500,000, Magzter raised $3 million from Kalaari Capital in 2012, followed by a subsequent round of $10 million from Singapore Press Holdings (SPH) and Kalaari Capital in 2014. Its unique revenue-sharing model has helped major publishers maximize their digital reach with no upfront cost. The company currently claims to have a userbase in excess of 6 Million.

Magzter Locations

  • Amsterdam
  • London
  • Mexico City
  • Chennai
  • Mumbai
  • New Delhi
  • Bengaluru
  • Singapore

The brand is going to expand their reach to other countries.

What are the Top ways to save on Magzter India?

Look for latest Magzter Coupons

Simply browse through vouchers on CashKaro to look for any ongoing Magzter offers. Complete your purchase and save on your monthly or yearly subscription.

Tailor Made Subscriptions

Take your pick from multiple magazine bundle options (3,2 or 1 year subscription) according to your interests, and save upto ₹8000 on your favourite magazines with Magzter bundle packs.

Magzter Flash Sale

A lot of readers June wish to purchase only a specific magazine issue and not go ahead with bundle or subscription plans offering multiple magazines. Such users can shop during Magzter flash sale and get upto 60 Per off on their purchases.

How to Save More on Magzter Subscription?

CashKaro offers exclusive cashback deals from various retailers, including Magzter, on top of all other discounts. This cashback can then be directly transferred into your bank account. Simply follow these steps to avail CashKaro cashback:

  • Step 1: Visit on your browser or download the CashKaro app from your Android or iOS device.
  • Step 2: Search for Magzter from the search bar and go to Magzter store page.
  • Step 3: Click on the orange Avail cashback/See Coupons button on Magzter store page.
  • Step 4: Copy the coupon (when available), sign-in if needed, and you will be redirected to Magzter store page.

Continue your shopping as usual, and the cashback amount will be credited to your CashKaro account within the prescribed period.

Magzter Customer Care, Paytmeny, Cancellation and Refund Policy

Customer Care Details

Payment Details

  • Credit Cards
  • Debit Cards
  • Mobile Wallets (Paytm, Google Pay, BHIM, PhonePe, Mobikwik, Amazon Pay)
  • Net Banking

Cancellation & Refund Policy

  • Magzter does not allow any cancellations for an ongoing subscription as all sales are final and no refunds in full or part are allowed.
  • Readers can only make cancellations for the next subscription cycle.

Frequently Asked Questions about Magzter

Q. Where do I get Magzter Coupons?

A. Visit our Magzter store page to check for the latest coupons and use them for additional savings.

Q. How to avail Vodafone Magzter offer?

A. This offer is only applicable for Vodafone customers, simply download the app and signup with your Vodafone number.

Q. How to cancel Magzter Gold subscription?

A. Any ongoing subscriptions cannot be cancelled as cancellations are allowed only for next subscription cycle.

Q. How to turn off auto-renewal on Magzter?

A. Go to your app setting and select manage subscriptions, turn off auto-renewals.

Q. What is the Magzter Gold and Gold Lite Plan?

It is a monthly/yearly subscription plan which provides unlimited access to over 5000 magazines on Magzter without additional cost.

Q. How to download magazines from Magzter?

A. You cannot download a separate PFD file however, Magzter has its own reading software which provides rich reading experience to the users.

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