
International Flight Offers


Does travelling internationally require you to break the bank? Worry about it no more! Make international flight tickets fit your budget with offers and coupon codes on various airline service providers including Air Asia, Spice Jet, Malaysia Airlines,, Goibibo and more. Get your hands on some of the best flight offers and discount codes on the CashKaro website.

Savings Tips on Booking Flight Tickets Online

Lowest price guaranteed

Finding the lowest rates on international flights is easy. All you have to do is visit the International Flights page on the CashKaro app and get the best prices on the prices of the flight tickets to your favourite locations, for work or for leisure.

Get exclusive discounts and flight offers

You think discounts and genuine coupons on international flights are hard to find? You might want to check out exclusive discounts on international flights. You can get discounts on Air India, Spice Jet, Emirates, Air Asia and more. You can easily find up to 40% off on flight tickets exclusively on

Save extra using credit/debit card offers

Paying via debit and credit cards is not only easy and hassle free but it also earns you a great deal of discounts and makes you some quick bucks as savings when you book international flight tickets.

Save using Wallet Offers

In addition to the savings made using credit and debit cards, you can also save on your purchases using wallets like Google Pay, PhonePe, Paytm, Amazon Pay and more. Pay using wallets and get instant cashbacks and other rewards right after you complete a successful transaction.

Get exclusive package deals

Want to get your hands-on lucrative package deals and get the most value for your money? Why wait? Home in on package deals and the lowest possible rate with CashKaro. Search for package deals on International Flights when you travel and get attractive deals at fair prices.

Top International Flight Offers on Goibibo, MMT, AirAsia & More

Flights OffersOffer DetailsValid On
Flights starting at Rs 3699Get AirAsia flights starting at Rs 3699 and up to Rs 360 cashbackAll Users
Up to 30% offGet up to 30% off on Jet Airways and get a chance to get cashback worth Rs 230All Users
Up to Rs 1000 offGet up to Rs 1000 off of international flights on MusafirAll Users
Up to Rs 15000 offBook your international flight tickets using MakeMyTrip and get up to Rs 15000 discountAll Users

Top Retailers to Book Your International Flight Tickets


MakeMyTrip is one of the leading travel service providers that comes up with occasional offers and discounts on international flights. To avail these benefits, you will have to navigate to the international flight page on the CashKaro website and click on MakeMyTrip to view the assortment of coupon codes and discount vouchers on MakeMyTrip bookings.


Goibibo is another most sought after online portal that allows easy booking of international flight tickets at the most regulated rates. On the Goibibo website, you can select your time and destination of travel and book your flight in the easiest possible manner. On top of that, you can also get pocket-full of discounts and offers on international flight tickets on the Goibibo website via CashKaro.

Air Asia

Headquartered at Kuala Lumpur, Air Asia is a Malaysian airline that opens gateways for passengers for cheap international travel. To book your flight tickets to an international destination, you can visit the Air Asia website via CashKaro, book your tickets and apply CashKaro coupon codes and discount vouchers at checkout.

Malaysian Airline

Malaysian Airline is based out of Kuala Lumpur. The airline makes ticket booking for international travel easy, hassle free as well as cheap. Getting additional discounts and offers on Malaysian Airlines is handy with CashKaro. You can get up to 40% off on international flight tickets booking.


Booking international flights is made easy by Yatra. Visit the Yatra website, select time and destination of travel and you will be able to book international flight tickets in no time. On Yatra bookings, you can also get up to Rs 20,000 off on bookings above Rs 20,000.

How to Save More Via CashKaro on International Flight Booking?

Get access to numerous international flight offers, coupons, deals and more on CashKaro. Apart from the regular discounts and offers, get a chance to win an exciting CashKaro cashback when you make your booking via CashKaro on top travel retailers. Learn how to get CashKaro cashback in the below-mentioned steps:

  • Step 1:Visit on your browser or download the CashKaro app from your Android or iOS device
  • Step 2:Search for the retailer you want to make your bookings on the search bar and go to the store page
  • Step 3:Click on the orange Avail cashback / See Coupons button on the store page
  • Step 4:Copy the coupon code (when available), Sign-in or Sign-up as required, and you will be redirected to the retailer's website

Continue making your bookings as usual and get the cashback amount credited to your CashKaro account within the stipulated period

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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Q. Can I get any discounts on International Flight tickets today?
  • A. Yes, discounts on international flight tickets are available on CashKaro. All you have to do is visit the CashKaro website and continue booking international flight tickets from your choice of travel service providers.
  • Q. How much can I save using coupon codes and vouchers from CashKaro?
  • A. There are myriad discounts on international flight tickets on the CashKaro. You can take a pick at the coupon codes and discounts vouchers you desire and apply it at the checkout to get up to 50% off on international flight tickets.
  • Q. Where can I find package deals on International Flights?
  • A. Package deals on international flights are easy to find on CashKaro. To book international flight tickets, and get package deals at the most value for your money, check out CashKaro.