Given the fact that small eyes are determined genetically, you cannot do much to alter their size- but creating an illusion to make them look bigger? That’s on you! Make use of the clever techniques listed below to do that:
Nude eyeliner
Using nude eyeliner to make eyes appear bigger and brighter than what they are is an over-looked trick. Select a nude eyeliner/kajal with a creamy texture that glides on lower waterline smoothly.
Subtle eye contouring
To widen small eyes and give them definition, take an eyeshadow blending brush and sweep a medium brown eyeshadow from the middle of your eyelids to outwards.
Line your upper lash line
Forgo lining your lower lash line heavily with kohl as it only makes small eyes look smaller and droopy. Instead, line your upper lash line. Draw your eyeliner as close as possible to the upper lash line. Don’t make it too thick lest it covers most of your eye lids.
Apply liner on outside of lower water line
By applying liner on outside of lower water line and not directly on it, you create an illusion of bigger eyes. This is a wonderful trick for doing bottom eyeliner better, especially for small eyes.
Opt for colored eyeliners
Colored eyeliners are a sure shot way to not just make small eyes pop but also to glam up your everyday makeup routine. Draw a bright line on your upper eyelids and then seal it with a very think stroke of Black eyeliner for creating a fuller lash line effect. You can also apply them on your lower waterline.
Curl lashes
A quality eye lash curler can instantly lift eyes by giving lashes a good curl. Before you apply mascara, curl your lashes for creating a wide-eyed look.
Add more drama by choosing a mascara which does a good job of separating lashes and curling them up. If you don’t want your mascara to be going anywhere, ensure that it is water-proof. Because let’s just admit that nothing destroys a look like migrating makeup.
Wing it out
To elongate the eyes, you need to master winged eyeliner. Perfecting the winged eyeliner is definitely a challenge but with regular practice, you should be able to ace it. Also, you can always simplify the process by adopting tricks like business card and tape. Use the edge of a business card to trace a faultless wing with your eyeliner. Work with a liquid eyeliner to get a neat finish.
Extend eyeliner from the outer corner of eyes
If you find winging your eyeliner too difficult, incorporate this trick. Think of it as winged eyeliner’s easy going sister. Extend your eyeliner out just past the outer corner of your eye, lengthening it up towards the tail of your brow.
Smudge Champagne eyeshadow/pencil in the inner corner of eyes
One of the easiest ways to open up eyes is by dabbing a little Gold/champagne eye shadow on the inner corner of eyes and smudging it. Remember that you need only a tiny amount.
Cover dark circles
Looking awake is a key part of making small eyes look bigger. On days you cannot clock a full eight hours of sleep, it’s a melt-proof concealer that will come to your rescue. Use it to fake a good night’s sleep and make your eyes look bright and clear.
Highlighter under brow bone
One makeup trick that makes a huge impact is applying highlighter under brow bone. It immediately lifts the eye.
Groomed eyebrows
Groomed and filled in eyebrows draw extra attention by creating a proper frame around eyes. So, always make an extra effort to get them shaped and filled in.
I hope you found these tips for small eyes helpful and that you’ll definitely be trying a few tricks.