We all like to be well-informed about the happenings around the world. Be it for one’s interest in a particular field or to not be embarrassed during office parties where discussions can revolve around anything or everything. But putting all that aside, it is a good habit to read and know about what is happening in our country and around the world.
Since office and the endless deadlines leave no time for us to sit back in a chair and enjoy the newspaper every morning, Magzter offers us countless famous magazines on our smartphone so that we can read them on the go. Here are some magazines you can read:
India Today
This weekly magazine is all you might need to know about the country’s economic, business and national issues. This weekly magazine is published by Living Media India Limited and the first copy came out in 1975. You can order this magazine at reduced prices using Magzter coupons!
Forbes magazine is bound to be mentioned when leading business magazines are being discussed. With its firm belief in the power of free enterprise, Forbes has been providing insights and information about the world’s most famous business leaders and is the quintessential capitalist tool we all need to know all about the business world.
Yet another amazing magazine that Magzter offers to all the movie buffs is the Filmfare. If you are a diehard Bollywood fan, then this magazine is a must have as it brings to you all the latest news, exclusive interviews, mesmerising photoshoots and much more so that you can know your favourite celebs better.
Reader’s Digest
Reader’s Digest has been the world’s highest selling magazine for some decades now and rightly so. It not only brings to us the factual news of the world but does so in a light-hearted way so that you can know about the challenging and tough world while having fun. So subscribe to this magazine at the earliest as Magzter is offering subscription to Reader’s Digest at reduced prices.
Conde Nast Traveller
If you love travelling and exploring new places then you should definitely read Conde Nast Traveller as it is the best when it comes to giving travel news, exploring new places and providing useful insights about travelling solo or in group to different areas
So make use of Magzter coupons and subscribe to these insightful magazines and get all the news in your phone so that you can enjoy them at any time or place without any hiccups!